
Samtools is a set of tools for working with SAM and BAM files.


samtools view is used to convert between .SAM and the compressed .BAM format.

$ samtools view -b <input.sam> -o <output.bam>
  • the -b option specifies that output should be in BAM format.

It can also be used to view compressed BAM files.


sorts BAM file. Improves compression and allows indexing for faster access.

$ samtools sort <input.bam> <output.sorted.bam>


Indexes a sorted BAM file, increases the speed of access.

$ samtools index <input.sorted.bam>


mpileup outputs a consensus sequence with a per-base summary of read depth and quality. It can also be used to generate a VCF file, either of the entire sequence (with one line per base) or of variants.
Requires an indexed fasta file. index can be created using the samtools faidx <fasta file> command.

raw pileup

$ samtools mpileup -f <fasta reference> -o <output file> <sorted BAM file>

VCF pileup

$ samtools mpileup -uvf <fasta reference> <sorted BAM file> > <output.vcf>

Pileup file can be converted to a FASTA consensus using the pileup2fasta Perl script.


views a BAM file against a reference, showing the pileup of all the reads.

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